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Picking up trash


What is Love & how can it be displayed?

What is Love? Love is kind and patient, it rejoices in truth. Love is NOT jealous, boastful, arrogant, rude, selfish, resentful and thinking evil towards another person. Love bears, believes, hopes and endures all things.

Love is a deliberate choice of the individual showing love, rather than the worthiness of the one being loved. Love is the solid rock which we build our lives upon. We can show love in many ways by being kind, patient and understanding with each other. We can show love in our communities by caring for a neighbor, picking up trash, helping to take care of a neighbors grass, helping someone if we see them struggling and the list goes on. How will show you put Love into action? 

Here are a few things you can do!

Idea #1:

Purchase dinner for a neighbor or friend and deliver it to them.

Idea #2:

Help with gardening projects! Many hands make light work. 

Assisting the Elder

Idea #3

Lend a helping hand to an elderly neighbor. Check on them to make sure they are doing well.

Idea #4

Get involved. There are many initiatives that need help. Share your time and efforts volunteering to make a difference in your community. 


Love is not just an action, it's THE action and the ANSWER.
It is what's needed in the very climate we live in if we want to create a peaceful world for the next generation.
Start today, start right now by making the choice to show someone you care.

Don't Start your day with the disappointments of yesterday. Everyday is a brand new start, so begin AGAIN with an Open heart!

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